Born 1974 in Helsinki, Finland. Lives and works in Hangö, Finland.
Education2003 University of Art and Design Helsinki (now Aalto University – School of Arts, Design and Architecture), MA – program of Photography
2001 Central Academy of Fine art, Beijing, China
1995 Västra Nylands folkhögskola, Fine art
1994 Västra Nylands folkhögskola, Photography
Solo exhibitions
2024 "Meadow” Laukko Manor, Pyhäjärvi, Finland
2023 Paris Photo Solo exhibition with Purdy Hicks Gallery
2023 "Smokeworks", Turku Art Museum, Turku, FI
2019 "Smokeworks", Persons Projects, Berlin, DE
2019 "More Landscapes” Purdy Hicks Gallery, London UK
2015 Purdy Hicks Gallery, London UK
2014 "Landscapes and moths” Korjaamo Gallery, Helsinki, FI
2013 Stockholms sjukhem, commissioned artwork, Stockholm, SE
2012 Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2011 Korjaamo Gallery, Helsinki, FI
2010 Pobeda Gallery, Moscow, RUS
2009 Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki, FI
2008 Shadow Images, Gallery TAIK, Berlin, DE
2005 Seydler AG Bank Frankfurt, Frankfurt, DE
2005 Landscape and variations, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, FI
2005 Galleri Brandstrup, Oslo, NO
2005 Seydler AG Bank Frankfurt, DE
2003 Black Landscape, Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, FI
Selected group exhibitions
2024 Northern Light: Nature Photography Gifted by Pieter and Marieke Sanders, Museum De Fundatie, NL
2024 Turku Art Museum,”Mikä väri?”, Turku, FI
2024 Photo Miyota Festival at MMop Miyota Museum of Photography, JP
2024 "Branched. Trees In Photographs From The Spallart Collection”, Sammlung SpallArt, AT
2023 VERZWEIGT, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim, DE
2023 The Flower Show, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2023 12. Darmstadt Photography Days: TILT/SHIFT – Experiment as Normality, Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt, DE
2023 Refractive Landscapes, Persons Projects, Berlin, DE
2023 Barösund 1870 --> 2023, Chappe Museum, Tammisaari, FI
2022 Summer Exhibition, Art Center Purnu, FI
2022 By the Morning, the Butterfly Was Gone, Persons Projects, Berlin, DE
2022 Eye on Nature, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2022 NatureMAX, Giant Gallery, Bournemouth, UK
2021 New Perspectives Through Photography – 25 Years of the Helsinki School, Taidehalli Helsinki, FI
2021 Nordic Light – 7 Artists from the Helsinki School, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2021 Taming Nature, Valerius Gallery, Luxembourg, LU
2021 Lux/Pictura, VB-valokuvakeskus, Kuopio, Finland
2020 Rebooting Nature, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2020 Keeper of the Hearth, Houston Center for Photography, Houston, US
2020 The Helsinki School -–The Nature of Being, Persons Projects, Berlin, DE
2020 LUSTRE, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, US
2019 "It came from the North” World Trade Center, Jakarta Indonesia
2018 "Vom Verschwinden und Erscheinen – Das Ephemere in der Fotografie”, Alfred Erhardt Foundation, Berlin, DE
2018 PULSE Contemporary Art Fair, Purdy Hicks Gallery, Miami, The USA
2018 Paris Photo, Gallery Taki Persons, Paris, FR
2018 "On Disappearance and Appearance", Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung, Berlin, DE
2018 "New Territory", Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, USA
2017 "Yhtä juhlaa!” Rovaniemi Artmuseum Korundi, FI
2017 "Anna&Sandra” LOKAL Gallery, Helsinki FI
2017 "Five Finnish photographers” Purdy Hicks Gallery, UK
2017 Herbarium, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, DK
2016 "Papilio”, Isabelle Lesmeister Gallery, Regensburg, DE
2016 "Maihinnousu”, Hangon Casino, Hanko, FI
2016 "Viidakko tulvii”, Keravan Artmuseum Sinkka, FI
2016 "Moi Helsinki” culture event, Beijing CN
2015 Pulse Miami, Purdy Hicks gallery, US
2015 Kawaba Photograpy Festival, Kawaba Village, JP
2014 Fondazione Fotografia Modena "Fotografia dal nord europa” IT
2014 Le 19, Centre régional d’art contemporain, Montbéliard FR
2014 Gumbostrand Art&Design Center, Söderkulla FI
2014 LOKAL Gallery, Helsinki FI
2014 Convergences: Selected Photographs from the Permanent Collection J. Paul Getty Museum, USA
2013 X-ist Gallery, Istanbul Turkey
2013 Bad Arolsen "Blütenzauber–Fotografien und Installationen internationaler Künstler”, DE
2013 Espoo Museum of Modern Art ” Vesiputoussateenkaari ja muita tapahtumia luonnossa”, FI
2013 Sensibility, Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, FI
2013 Summer Exhibition , Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2012 ”7.Aalto- Taiteen Wihuri”, Helsinki Art Hall, FI
2012 Female View – Part 2, Fotoraum, Vienna, AT
2011 FLOWERS / TIME, DEATH AND BEAUTY FO.KU.S Foto Kunst Stadtforum Innsbruck, GE
2011 BFAMI auction Phillips de Pury, London, UK
2011 KIAF/11 Korea International Art Fair, KR
2011 Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich CH
2011 Purdy Hicks Gallery, London UK
2011 Pyhäniemi Manor, Hollola, FI
2011 Nature Forte Korundi openingexhibition, Rovaniemi Art museum, FI
2010 Highlighted, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, NL
2010 Ikkuna portfolio, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, FI
2010 The Armory Show, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York, US
2010 AIPAD Photography Show, Bryce Wolkowitz gallery, New York, US
2010 Echoes of Light, Photographic Centre Valokuvakeskus Nykyaika, Tampere, FI
2009 Internal and External Landscapes, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, JP
2008 Simple Life, Fiskars, FI
2008 Incertitudes de la vision, Brussels, BE
2008 100% Finlandais, Bordeaux City gallery, FR
2008 Aomori contemporary art center, Artist in residence, JP
2008 Views on Finnish photography, Nordic Art Works, London, UK
2008 Det blommar!, Galleri Elverket/Pro Artibus, Eknäs, FI
2007 Art Fair Finland, Union of artist photographers
2007 TAJU – Idän taju, Hyvinkää Artmuseum, Hyvinkää, FI
2007 Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
2007 Stenersen museum, Oslo, NO
2007 London Artfair, Nordic Art Works, London, UK
2006 Flower as picture, Gallerie Anhava, Helsinki, FI
2006 Paris Photo, Gallery TAIK, Paris, FR
2006 Naturally! Mogadishni Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
2006 Joutsenen jäljillä, Lasipalatsi Gallery/ LUME center, Helsinki, FI
2006 Artek house, Housefair, Espoo, FI
2006 The Helsinki School, Brussels, BE
2006 The Helsinki School, Borås konsthall, Borås, SE
2005 Copenhagen Art Fair, Gallerie Brandstrup, DK
2005 Art Fair Helsinki, Union of artist photographers annual exhibition, Helsinki, FI
2005 Stockholm Art Fair, Galerie Anhava, SE
2005 Art Fair Berlin, Gallerie Anhava, Berlin, DE
2005 Helsinki School, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, SE
2004 Galerie Roellin/Duerr, St Gallen, CH
2004 CAFA gallery, Beijing, CN
2004 ”30 by TaiK”, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, FI
2004 Artforum Berlin, gallerie Anhava, Berlin, DE
2004 The Helsinki School, Brandts Klaedefabrik, Odense, DK
2004 Fotofinlandia exhibition at Finnish Museum of Photography/Oulu City Art Museum, FI
2003 HANKI -03 Union of artist photographers annual exhibition, FI
2003 Artissima, Galerie Anhava, Torino, IT
2003 Landscape Now, City Art Museum, Mikkeli, FI
2003 Art Forum Berlin, Galerie Anhava, Berlin, DE
2003 Stockholm Art fair, Galerie Anhava, Stockholm, SE
2002 Art Forum Berlin, Gallery TAIK, Berlin, DE
2002 Kultur-Räume Norden: An der Schwelle des Unbekannten, Kulturabt. Bayer, Leverkusen, DE
2002 Masters of art, Museum of photography, Helsinki, FI
2002 Artissima Torino, Galerie Anhava, Torino, IT
2001 CAFA department of photography, Beijing, JP
2001 Bordets Lust och Lov, Millesgården, Stockholm, SE
2001 Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo, NO
2001 Stockholm Art Fair, Gallery TAIK, Stockholm, SE
2000 Having a ball, video installation, Profounders gallery, Helsinki, FI
2000 (SIC), CuLTUREN, Västerås, SE
2000 Takaikkuna, photo.doc, KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, FI
1999 Bengtskär – projekti, City gallery of Hankoo, FI
1999 Yksityisnäyttely, Gallery Naisten Huone, Helsinki, FI
1998 Rantaviiva – projekti, Gallery ATSKI, Helsinki, FI
1997 Näkymätön kaupunki – Invisible city, Gallery ATSKI, Helsinki, FI
1996 Gallery FOKUS, Karjaa, FI
1995 Photogallery ZEBRA, Karjaa, FI
1995 Sekvens, Kirjakaapeli, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, FI
Awards2007 H&W Grönqvist Foundation award
2005 Maire Gullichsen 80-year Jubilee Fund award
2004 Fotofinlandia finalist grant
2003 KESKO grant for young artist
Grants2014 Konstsamfundet
2014 Finnish Cultural Foundation
2012 Arts Council of Finland / working grant
2010 Arts Council of Finland / publication grant
2008 Aomori Contemporary Art center, Japan, artist in residence grant
2007 Oskar Öflund Foundation
2007 Alfred Kordelin Foundation
2006 Swedish Art council
2006 Arts Council of Finland
2005 FRAME Finnish fund for art exchange
2005 Swedish art council / working grant
2004 Arts Council of Finland
2004 Swedish art council / working grant
2002 Swedish art council
2002 FRAME foundation for Finnish art exchange
2002 University of Art & Design scholarship
2000 Sleipnir NIFCA
1999 Scholarship of Ministry of education
Memberships2013-2015 National Council for Photograhic Art committee
2010-2012 Union of artist photographers in Finland board
Publications (selected):2020 Sandra Kantanen, "More Landscapes", Hatje Cantz, Berlin
2016 "New work/Photolondon”, Work Magazine
2015 Merja Salo "Jokapaikan valokuva” Suomalaisen valokuvan digitalisoituminen, Musta Taide, FI
2015 Fotografia contemporanea dall’Europa nord-occidentale, Skira, IT
2014 Marjaana Kella "Käännöksiä- Maisema kasvot ja esittäminen valokuvassa” Doctoral dissertations Aalto-yliopisto Musta Taide, FI
2014 The Helsinki School From the past to the future, Hatje Cantz Verlag
2014 IMA Vol.10 "Photography meets painting” Winter, JP
2013 "Omsikt-konsten på Stockholms Sjukhem”, Alistair Hicks -Själens landskap AM Publications
2013 niin&näin philosophical quarterly issue 3/2013
2013 Fourthdoor review, issue 9/2013 "Sandra Kantanen – The Finnish photograher turning nature into a new kind of blur.”
2012 Rondo Classic, Ikkuna itään 2.1.2012
2012 "Katso maisemaa”, helmet Olivia-lehti, tammikuu
2012 Kotivinkki 1/2012 Avoimet ovet
2011 Pixel, FST5, 21.12.2011
2011 Groove FM Beijing Bop19.12.2011
2011 Radio 86 "Sandra Kantanen maalaa kameralla kiinalaisia sielunmaisemia " Suvi Veijola 19.12.2011
2011 "Maalauksen ja valokuvan välissä” Anu Uimonen, HS 17.12.2011
2011 "Kantanen tar fotografiet på utflykt”, Synnöve Rabb, HBL 10.12.2011
2011 "Dimmiga och drömlika vyer”, Helen Korpak HBL 10.12.2011
2011 Radio Vega, Kulturtimmen, 5.12.2011
2011 "Täydellistä maisemaa etsimässä” Umami nettijulkaisu, 1.12.2011
2011 "Kuvankaunista”, Gloria, joulukuu
2011 Sandra Kantanen ”Landscapes” , Hatje Cantz Verlag
2011 Fantom photographic quarterly, portfolio issue 07 2011, Italy
2011 Fantom photographic quarterly, cover issue 06 2011, Italy
2011 "A Female View”, The Helsinki school vol.4 Hatje Cantz Verlag
2011 Documentary film, "På okända vatten” FST5 2011, 58min
2011 The New Yorker, photo booth by Elisabeth Biondi, 25.2. 2011
2010 Russian Photo Magazine, ”Intrigued by russian orthodoxy” 30.11. 2010
2010 Rain TV Russia, tv interview, 23.10.2010
2010 Ilona Hietanen ”Luovuus asuu kivikaupungissa” HS 14.7.2010
2010 ”Suomalaisia Nykytaiteilijoita lähikuvassa” WSOY
2010 Matthias Harder ”Flower Power”, Dumont Buchverlag
2010 The Moscow Times ”Landscapes by Sandra Kantanen at Pobeda Gallery”
2010 Takeo Desk Diary 2010, Takeo publishing house, Japan
2009 Dan Sundell, ”Vårblom i bergen” HBL culture 26.10.2009
2009 The Japan Times ”A cool show at Shiseido” 17.7.2009
2009 ”Internal and External Landscapes” Shisedo Gallery publications
2009 Mikiko Kikuta, ”Interview with Sandra Kantanen”, Invisible man magazine nr.1 2009 Japan
2008 ”Tangent” Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Artist in residence catalogue 2008
2008 ”3.Europäisher Monat der Fotografie Berlin”, Klaus Wowereit
2008 ”100% Finlandais” TV interview, Sandra Kantanen, HC berg, Kim Simonsson, Saara Ekström. FST YLE Ratatosk
2007 The Helsinki School, ” New Photograhy by Taik” Hatje Cantz verlag
2007 Timo Valjakka, ”Itäiset vaikutteet panevat miettimään” Helsingin Sanomat 20.6.2007
2005 Sandra Kantanen, ”Maisema ja muunnelmia” , Galerie Anhava
2005 The Helsinki School, ”Photograhy by Taik” , Hatje Cantz verlag
2005 ”Fotokonst på export” TV documentary about Sandra Kantanen and Miklos Gaal, Dir. Mikaela Weurlander FST YLE Culture
2005 Timo Valjakka, ”Kiinalaisia nokturneja ja liikehtiviä pulloja”, Helsingin Sanomat 10.5.2005
2005 Dan Sundell, ”En kinesisk utflykt”, Hufvudstadsbladet 8.5.2005
2005 Anu Nousiainen, ”Ikiaikaista ja silti ihan uutta”, Helsingin Sanomat 1.5.2005
2005 Pirkko Vekkeli, ”Toukokuun taiteilija – Sandra Kantasen kiinalainen juttu”, Gloria nr.5/2005
2003 Minna Törmä, ”Maalaus ja valokuva – ontologisia pohdintoja” TAIDE nr.5/2003
2001 Petra Axlund, ”Gessle satsar på konst”, Everyday/Nyheter 9.3.2001
Works in CollectionsKerava Art Museum collection, FI
Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London, UK
Fondazione Fotografia Modena, IT
J.Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, US
Stockholms sjukhem, SE
KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art, FI
Pro Artibus Foundation, FI
Helsinki City Art Museum, FI
Tampere Art Museum, FI
Olorvisual Collection, Barcelona, ES
EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art ,Saastamoinen Foundation FI
SOK collections, Helsinki, FI
Wihuri Foundation, Rovaniemi, FI
State Art collection, FI
Parliament of Finland, FI
Seydler AG Bank, Frankfurt, DE
Four Seasons Hotel, St.Petersburg, RU
Per Gessle collection, Halmstad SE
Bo Bjerggaard gallerie, Copenhagen, DK
Pentti Kouri collection, New York, US
Oulu City hospital, FI
Tres Hombres Art, SE
Private collections in Finland, Sweden, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Norway, USA, Kuwait, France, Great Britain, China, and Japan
Download Kantanen's CV