Notes on Phenomenology.
From Every Fragment Is a Total Fragment by Ari Kakkinen
At first Notes on Phenomenology was the name of the series of the hands of mine and my loved ones. Emphasis with these works was on the Husserl’s notions of visibility of the hand and the interplay of the hand and eye, which builds the idea of an immediate and perfect presence.
Thus, in Husserl’s phenomenology, the hand is linked to the service of optic intuitionism.
As I have always considered photography to be a perfect medium for deconstructing the hegemony of presence (known as "western philosophy”) and Cartesian egoism, which phenomenology more or less fulfills, ”Notes” is a very suitable name for everything that I have been working with during my whole career. It seemed more than proper to organize some other works under this headline, too.
Instead of presence and intuition I emphasize traces and supplements. The questions of historicity and time, thus, become central: how is it that I am right here, right now.
Derrida finds time to be the first metonym. The metonymic force of time is the ultimate resource for the substitution of one absolute instant after another.
I am following this idea of substitution. The primality of a single work is substituted by the force of all the other works of the series, of the exhibition etc. The (piece of) work is no more the work.
This goes the other way around, too. Now every singular piece called a work is a virtual example of every other work, a total fragment. The power of singularity remains even though the sense of singularity is totally reworked.